In a perfect world, everyone would know all about sudden cardiac arrest, AEDs, and how to use them in a life-saving emergency. ‘AED’ would be as recognized as ‘CPR’, and every workplace and public area would be fully equipped and properly managed. 

Unfortunately, this is not our reality. Many people do not learn about AEDs until someone close by needs one. Another way people may become informed about automated external defibrillators is by becoming responsible for AEDs, first aid, and safety programs through their workplace or community organizations.

Larger companies, governments, and certain industries might have a professional safety officer or compliance manager who manages their AED programs and purchasing. These people are typically trained and knowledgeable about the products and services and know what to look for in an AED vendor. 

In smaller businesses or organizations, these tasks might fall to people who aren’t as familiar with AEDs and the AED marketplace. Sometimes, the first time a person ever hears the word ‘AED’ is when they are asked to buy one. Where do they even begin?

Most often, they start with a Google search. And most often, they are greeted by a lot of online superstores with a lot of products, but little helpful information.

As experienced leaders in the AED industry, Marelly approaches our clients as teachers, not sales reps. We understand that AED buyers need a reliable and honest guide to help you navigate the complexities of not only buying AEDs and AED supplies, but properly managing a safe and compliant AED program. No one does this better than Marelly. And no one at Marelly does this better than our partner, Chip Georges. 

Chip is highly knowledgeable about AEDs, first aid, and safety programs and he is dedicated to sharing what he knows through a wide range of educational efforts. Not only does Chip work closely our customers through training and programs, he also speaks at safety conferences across the United States and has written articles for online and print publications, including Occupation Health & Safety Magazine. Most importantly, though, Chip has penned Marelly’s AED Buyer’s Guide, which outlines two critical questions to ask when buying an AED, plus 11 more key questions and facts to consider when making your purchase.

You can learn more and download Chip’s AED Buyer’s Guide here on the Marelly website.